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Programma Erasmus+ - Azione KA2
Partenariati Strategici settore istruzione e formazione
Invito a presentare proposte 2014 (EAC/S11/13)
Progetto n°2014-1-ITO1-KA202-002605 - CUP:G86G14000420006

  Address   Registered office: Via dei Mille, 38/40 – 00100 Roma
  Operative Office: Centro Direzionale di Napoli - Via G. Porzio - Isola F3
  Contact Person   Maurizio Turrà
  Telephone   +39 0817348060
  Email    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Is.Con  is a nonprofit consortium of University institutions, trade associations and other public and private organizations working in the field of vocational training and research whose objectives relate to the implementation of scientific and technological research, promotion and dissemination of their results and the professional and managerial training, conceived in its broadest sense: from specialization in a specific functional area to deepening and enhancement of professional skills in a global sense. The main areas of activity are: Vocational Training aimed at acquiring skills employable in the labor market; Continuous Education meant as updating of employers, employed workers  and employees of the Public Administration and, finally, Initial Training and Adult Education.